<b>Travel theme is designed by T.D, a talent designer from China. </b>
We’re all connected by a love for travel!
We hope this TRAVEL theme inspire you to pack up everything and head out into the unknown, to explore the farthest reaches of our planet and your soul, to see the world for what it really is.
<b>This theme is only compatible with APUS Launcher for now, so you need to install APUS Launcher if you didn’t. </b>
<b>5-stars rated over 1.2 million, and installed on about 100 million devices in over 235 countries,APUS Launcher is the smallest, fastest, and simplest launcher on market. More than just a launcher that puts your favorite apps at your fingertips, APUS boosts speed and battery life of your phone, helps you search everything, while making the using experience as seamless and smooth as iOS.</b>
Features of APUS Launcher include:
<b>► Smart Folder</b> - Simply put your Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga into Game folder, your Instagram and Snapchat into Social folder.
<b>► APUS Mobile Search</b> - Introducing contact search, and you can search everything using voice;
<b>► Brand NEW APUS Radar</b> - Like a real radar, discover popular apps nearby. More fun is waiting for you
<b>► Priority Apps</b> - Simply put Facebook, Twitter and other apps you may use mostly on your first screen, that's the top speed to start apps.
<b>► APUS Notification</b> -You will never miss important messages from your friends and family, by small badges on home screen icons, available for Call, SMS ,Whatsapp and Gmail.
<b>► APUS Boost</b> - Speed up your games and apps, clean-up memory (RAM) and boost your device. APUS Boost works directly from your home screen, help you go through the speed limit.
<b>► Notification Toolbar</b> - Provide instant switch such as Flashlight, mobile data and WiFi. Make your phone running on faster speed .
<b>► APUS Wallpaper</b> - Full of HD wallpapers that can be used for both home and lock screens.
<b>Stay connected!</b>
Install APUS Launcher: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apusapps.launcher
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Feedback: <a href="mailto:apusecho@gmail.com">apusecho@gmail.com</a>
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